Wesley’s Covenant Service

Many years ago I attended a New Year’s Eve service at a small Methodist church near Athens, Georgia.  They were holding a Covenant Service, written by John Wesley in 1755 to encourage believers to regularly re-state their commitment to the Lord.

This service has been very important to me over the years.  When Olga and I started building our relationship, I told her about it. And on our wedding night, we went through this service together.  It is a foundation of our marriage, and as individual disciples of the Lord, it is a foundation of our walk with Him.

You can see and download the entire service below. I strongly encourage you to make it a part of your devotional life. I have used it as a base for Bible study.

The service begins with a prayer for purity, and continues with worship, thanksgiving, confession of sin, asking of forgiveness, and then the assurance that our sins are indeed forgiven, in Christ.  After this time of preparation, the service has a wonderful final prayer:

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