Guarding Our Hearts

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. ~Proverbs 4:23

We all are vulnerable to influences and actions that turn our hearts from goodness and purity. Some come from inside ourselves, and others from outside: keeping bad company, reading newspapers or magazines, a favorite TV show, daydreaming, certain kinds of music, joking around, gossip, cursing, complaining, overeating, arguing, boasting, etc.

Perhaps as you read this, you know what it is that attacks the purity of your heart. Don’t play with this fire. Accept the wisdom of God and turn from that impurity. Remember, the Lord is a refuge. He is the Source of Life.

Our Father in Heaven says be careful, watch over your heart, and be diligent in this. For your heart is the source of who you are. The things that flow from your heart affect your relationship with your Creator and affect the people you love.

The Lord wants us to be pure because He loves us, and because He loves those around us. He wants to bless others through us, and we can prepare ourselves for service by guarding our hearts.

Life flows from your heart, the life that is a blessing to others and is so precious to God.

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